Different ways we could limit houses per account.

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Novice III
Noah I don’t think that you understand the closed economic systems, it’s quite a difficult system to understand. Dan had to adjust prices in uostore,and this is just the beginning, of course, this is not a random event.My opinion is the experience of the game 14 years in the ultimate online on 26 servers, including 8 years in Europe OSI.I saw such systems, sooner or later it was time for emergency decisions.This is just a warning, what problems can arise, nothing more. I personally don’t care, I have enough one or two houses.Therefore, before I expressed my opinion, I was interested in what Dan was guided by, his prediction and situation management.
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Apprentice III
The Legend
I've played for 24+ years on 4 free servers. and 3 OSI shards. It seems that you have played 26 servers because they do not change to your Ideas... GTFO here trying to change everything, with your "emergency decisions" lol


Apprentice III
The Legend
I do understand closed economic systems. This is a free fucking game retard. It doesn't need emergency decisions this early. It's nowhere near close to being even a minor concern at this time. Other than the fact there are a few players who have only been here a few months complaining about the ability to purchase a Luna house what is the BIG CONCERN???

Also, out of curiousity what has Dan had to change in the UO store that drastically makes a big impact on the Heritage economy?


Novice III
This is great, especially considering that the game started in 1997, then surely you have your own detailed opinion, describe it in more detail. The closed economic system with unlimited emissions has its own characteristics, share information for us that you understood in 24 years :))?


Apprentice III
The Legend
Sorry 22 years.
Again... You make no valid point! Always wanting to change Heritage, to meet the needs of the Russian players that frequently come and go after they can't change the rules here! BYE!!


Novice III
In fact, I understand what the plus of this system was. It was necessary to attract the first players, but time passes and the question arises about the inconvenience and problematic nature of this system. But now "grandfathers" are against ...


Apprentice III
The Legend
Its not problematic, Nor inconvenient retard... You are just mad that you don't have a Luna house... so you are trying to change the system like you have done on so many other things on heritage, and failed at... QUIT FUCKING WHINING ABOUT IT! Build a house somewhere else...


Novice III
So do you think Dan asked us this question because I don’t have a home in Luna? Do you even understand what we are discussing here?(So we have first problem-social).


Journeyman III
So do you think Dan asked us this question because I don’t have a home in Luna

I get various complaints every few days about a select few players owning all the good locations and them going to waste, so am just thinking out loud.

Yes... I do believe he asked us this question because of people like you.. I mean he stated that was his reasoning.


Apprentice III
The Legend
#1 Problem for Moti the retard... Yes it is social... he doesn't own a Luna house so change the FKN rules for him!!! No sense in arguing with an idiot...
It always comes back to the same thing with this guy... "I don't have it, so change the rules for ME!"


Novice III
The real reason for these appeals is that new players want to spike the real estate in the square of the luna, like the old players. I, as a highly organized person, are not interested in it, you are not attentive, I asked a little higher what your value is luna home, if there is a search by vendor. Now there is an obvious discrepancy, at home in the luna for real money and there is no one need for empty spaces. And here we smoothly approach the second problem-financial.


Novice III
Noah I kindly ask you, be attentive to what you write, it’s difficult for you to communicate with smart people. I don’t have a single sentence in the section on "Make a suggestions", more than 15 from you ...Once again for the inattentive, this is just my opinion, I have already seen such systems. Everything was not finished in the best way. Nothing new, any changes meet the resistance of the first players, which it prevents to profit from new players.At the moment, I don't care how it will be, I wonder what the owner was guided by when he introduced this system.


Moti is wrong. As usual. He's been here 1 month and has wanted to change everything since he's gotten here.

There are more than 5 players that own homes in Luna. I'll name a few to prove him wrong...
Myself, Goober, Rain, O'malley, Brosephine, DewCono, Magus, Barbie, Redbeard, Izolda, Sookie, Melek, Naxious, Xtal....

Economic... play more=get more gold. Houses will sell in Luna for gold as well as Sovs. The price just has to be in range for current players holding gold to make such a purchase.

Technical...This sever is only 3 years old. There are still lots of plots available for building houses. With a player base of 20 active members i don't see this becoming an issue any time soon. Especially since the introduction of the new castles. I myself have sold several 18 x 18's since they are no longer needed, and dumped 50 mil into buying, and decorating it.
Maybe in 2-3 years the server will explode with more players than land can handle, but I don't necessarily think that limiting houses or who owns them is an issue at this time.

I cant believe im agreeing this this dude... but I agree! I also need to add.. That all the houses I have sold in Luna were purchased with real $$$$$$ so.. Im asking real $$$$, go to the official servers and try to buy a house in Luna with gold.. you will be laughed at. 20$ for a house in Luna on Heritage is a small fee, considering what you get in the store for 20$ AND any player with half a brain, and a house in Luna will have an unlimited gold income stream..

"Maybe in 2-3 years the server will explode with more players than land can handle, but I don't necessarily think that limiting houses or who owns them is an issue at this time."

100% Agree...


So, before I respond I would like to know, from your perspective, what:


Problems does the current system cause.

At this time, this is pretty much irrelevant... with unlimited choices for house placement, VENDOR SEARCH.. each player having the option of having 3 characters logged in at once.. and an [online of 40-50 players.. we are looking at 10-20 active players on this server.. give or take some.. there is crazy amounts of areas to place housing.. Luna is here, what Luna is on official.. a land war.. Let it be


Novice III
Last time you answered me wrong. You said for comfort and moongate,for shop,but vendor search can find item at all over the shard, it is not at all true that I did not even comment. It is obvious that a large number of houses are beneficial only to those who sell them for real money. And now attention, The second problem. Financial. When the server turns into a donate server. And it’s more than that here. Players will decide whether to pay $ 100 here or buy time for half a year on the official server + all the latest updates. This is the real only problem of donated private servers. I also think obviously the resistance is only for old players. (By the way, there are official servers where there are a lot of empty sites in the Luna square). Thanks guys, I heard, I’m interested in this topic just an opinion from Dan, what he sees as pluses in this system . Whether it will change or remain the same, it is not interesting to me.
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Apprentice III
The Legend
"Last time you answered me wrong".... WTF? how can this be a wrong answer?

"Players will decide whether to pay $ 100 here or buy time for half a year on the official server + all the latest updates".... I don't play here because I don't want to pay money. I donate to the server anyhow. Its a better community here and far less players that don't whine.. such as yourself!

(By the way, there are official servers where there are a lot of empty sites in the Luna square).... Well GO THERE!!! for the love of GOD Please GO!!!

"Whether it will change or remain the same, it is not interesting to me"... You have literally responded to every fucking comment on here and now you're gonna say it's not interesting to you? Proves how really stupid and retarded you truly are!

"Noah I kindly ask you, be attentive to what you write, it’s difficult for you to communicate with smart people".... see comment above about being stupid and retarded... You no longer have my attention. You're idiocy and nonsense have wasted enough of my time.


Apprentice III
The Legend
All the time he wasted responding to this forum, he could have been trying to place a house in Luna where the IDOC was at.... too bad idiot. OC got another LUNA plot lol
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