So after being very frustrated, I decided to scour the code to find out what is preventing house customization due to addons.
Here is the list
Here is the list
- Wall-safe
- Raised Garden Bed
- Vanity
- Fountain of Life
- Boiling Couldron
- Elven Dresser
- Sacrificial Altar
- Arcane Bookshelf
- Ornate Elven Chest
- Elven Wash Basin
- Kings Collection: Alchemists Bookshelf
- Aquarium
- Enormous Venus Fly Trap
- Find the check that prevents house customization
TrueUO/Scripts/Multis/Houses/Gumps/HouseGump.cs at 2c11b17722207e0da349b0dbc3345165d53760b6 · TrueUO/TrueUO Contribute to TrueUO/TrueUO development by creating an account on
Basehouse.cs Search for: where HasAddonContainers is checked
HouseGump.cs where HasAddonContainers is defined (either garden, wallsafe or BaseAddonContainer"
- Find the related items with the classes that prevent custimization
(list items that have class "BaseAddonContainer"
- list them here (see above)